Sunday, February 10, 2013

hair,love and loneliness

Hi everyone :) so today I went to a friends to finish making the orders of chocolates for sounds and steps. The main thing I wanted to say is that I dyed my hair on wednesday and this is how it looks like, well the picture describes it but I basically wanted Ombre with pink but my colour pigment is too strong so it looks more red. I'll blog more about it on my other blog: but yeah I really like it. In my opinion, I'm only a teenager once and seeing as when I'm older Ill most likely never have this choice again I fugured it was best to do now.

If you havn't read the title then you should because now I'm just going to talk about valentines day and what it means to me. Now I don't know if you don't already know this but I'm not the most attractive person in the planet you know (I know shocker right??) so I think this holiday is a time of weirdness. For people like me you just feel like you're forever alone. Then your friends are all like: don't think about that, your a catch it's just the dudes...hahaha NO it's just never going to happen and I'm slowly getting used to the fact. I swear because I'm indian/asian or something that boys think I'm too conservative or something like most asians who don't dress provocatively don't want a relationship or will act all weird ( obviously I don't want to dress that way but a little interest would be nice (; ).  Newsflash! most of us live in the 21st century and are just like normal people! jeez it just frustrates me.

I just find the whole love thing quite comical in that theres so much guessing and thought that goes around it... why can't it be easier! Anyways next week we have a school dance and its based on traffic lights and green means your single, yellow complicated and red taken. Now tell me something, how does anyone find a green dress in Myanmar? please tell me because I've tried and the only one I've found will make me look like an obese hooker so I think I'll pass. Why do we always think about the menial things in life... then again it wouldn't be life without it :)

feel free to check out my beaty blog:

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