Sunday, April 7, 2013

life update

hi guys, I realised I wrote the rap wrong this is it:
this is far-g
and jem k t
we walking down da pavement at 5:03
we seem dem teachers sitting up on a tree
there aint no fee for being cool like me
hey stef!
hey stef!
I said uh, I said uh stef!
do you want to eat my cheese and my m****f**** peas

haha so Ive been reading My cousin Rachel and I'm starting to really like it... I think I need to start distancing myself from full on classics and try reading some new stuff, I think plays or maybe non-fiction could be interesting. I dont know, next for me I thinit'll be god of small things.

Yesterday we had a 15 hour powercut... and Ney York thought they had it bad :( that and the electricity keeps fluctuating so it's very frustrating. I really want to watch the movie north sout because my friend and sister said it's amazing. Talking about movies, during the break before English we watched paperman and it was so sweet, I know that that could never happen but Disney has been a bit bad in what they've been producing, compared to back then with llittle mermaid and everything now we get food boy nd dad napped... don't even ask. I was happy to see this and tangled come out. I'm not a disney person but when it comes to their movies I expect a lot. 

Make sure you go check out my other blog:

Thursday, April 4, 2013

great day rapping away

so today was a very interesting day, my friend and I made a rap while going to get lunch. Here's our amazing lyrics:
I'm far-g and I'm with JT,
walking along the pavement without AC <-- made that last bit up cause it rhymes,
we see some teacher sitting in a tree,
there ain't no fee to be cool like me,
cause it's free to have swaggerrrr
I'll feed you my cheese but not my peas

It was just a bit of fun this was just before TOK, after going to the canteen again. It was funny because Aurora was waiting with me at Hers, a Korean restaurant, then I look back and she was gone. So I went to eat at the lockers with Hye Lin and Aurora came and thought I had left :P
Our TOK discussion was so deep about religion and the stuff going on in Burma and other countries but I don't really want to write that seeing as I don't feel safe, hopefully after I'll give you some of my opinions and talk about that stuff, I also have not experienced any of it really yet but I kind of have just not right in my face. I guess if you want I could blog about it next so be sure to check in for that. After TOK I just went to rehearsal for animal farm and then went to watch mini league. It was between Ji eun's team and the guards and I put turf in Stifella's afro :D it was buried in there :)

Hope everyone is having a lovely day, this CAS stuff is very frustrating so I'll go do that and learn my lines for Animal Farm. While I do that make sure to check out my blog at