Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Family problems? - my take

I'm writing this in general and won't include people because it's their choice if they want it public or not. I'm not someone who has a dysfunctional family but I think every family has problems and bound to have a fight with at least one member. I'm not going to talk about me personally, I'm just going to talk about the topic and everything. I guess my school friends will say they have problems and then you look at yours and it causes you to analyse it...I guess I've been doing that a lot lately. Instead, I think we should learn to appreciate what we have and if you have decent parents you need to realise this, if you have non-decent parents I can't really say too much. It's quite complicated blogging about personal things, especially family because, at least in my community, it is seen as inappropriate because it's not as though I have bad parents so people just don't really need to know about personal stuff and it's just not done gossip will spread for stupid reasons when nothing that bad happen..bangla problems. However, it can be good to tell your troubles to trusted friends. If you guys don't know I have a twin sister and it can get really difficult sometimes, sometimes I wish she was literally my older sister because I think it would be a lot easier. That way I wouldn't have to be compared to her by friends because she's my twin so we must be the same right? we must be equally smart right? jeez it gets really frustrating sometimes, usually I don't care, but everyone gets tired after a bit, if she was older we could at least have something different.I'll admit we get into disputes but then we also enjoy each others company on other days, it can be bad but it can also be fun. As a whole, these are small problems because we are teenagers and it's really small compared to others and in a few years when were apart we may even miss each other :O I think one of the main reasons for our debacles is that we're so used to being together always, we're kind of scared of going to uni and doing things alone but I think it'll be okay, I just need to face life. I'm getting really excited for university because I can be more my own person and don't have to be compared or judged (even though I don't care but I'm really tired of it) and of course learn something that I'm passionate about rather than mathematics (cringe!)

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